Terry Crews is Awesome


I think Don Lemon let the mask slip a little bit. It really is sad that the media and bad faith political actors refuse to let us unite around this issue. I guess the last thing the establishment class wants is ordinary Americans working together.

For the record, black lives Do matter.
Bad cops need to be held accountable and good ones need support and better training.

If you abolish our entire law enforcement and legal system, you get the Chaz which will end up killing more black lives and turn our country into a post apocalyptic hellscape. That said, there are perverse incentives for DA’s to rack up convictions, regardless of actual guilt. This leads to the system railroading anyone without the resources to put up a proper defense. Those incentives need to change and anyone who knowingly destroyed lives to build their career should sweating bullets right now.

I’m all for supporting reasonable reform but I don’t respond well to threats and I won’t give blind allegiance to any organization. If they make good points I will support those. That’s the most any reasonable person can expect and that should be enough.